Our Men and boys are precious! So are the women and girls in our lives.
It is brave men like Al who with their courage, resilience, vulnerability and strong family ties that shed light on the true experience of people with mental health.
Mental health is often not a simple, single element, it is layered with a person's personality, childhood experiences, relationships, major life events and how they see and react to those events and experiences.
When seeking help it is also important to find the right fit with your practitioner. Some practitioners don't suit all clients and some clients certainly don't suit some practitioners. You need to find your fit and shop around until you find the right person for you. Always go at your pace, what feels right for you as Al says "Mr Gabb now sees a counsellor in Ballarat, “who I speak to when I need a grease and oil change, is my phrase for it. I really got the benefits from finding the right practitioner”.