"I drank for happiness and became unhappy. I drank for joy and became miserable. I drank for sociability and became argumentative. I drank for sophistication and became obnoxious. I drank for friendship and made enemies. I drank for sleep and woke up tired. I drank for strength and felt weak. I drank for relaxation and got the shakes. I drank for courage and became afraid. I drank for confidence and became doubtful. I drank to make conversation easier and slurred my speech. I drank to feel heavenly and ended up feeling like hell."- Author Unknown
However when this takes a stranglehold of you, then it starts to affect every area of your life, physcially, mentally, emotionally, socially and financially. It slowly erodes the essences of who we are and what we represent becomes distorted.
So what can we do, like everything there is no single remedy that can cure us. For some it is giving up cold turkey, for some counselling, some a detox and some have had good results with the product N-Acetly cysteine which has shown some promise.
Sorry to be a party popper but alcohol is like rust and often goes to the weakest spot. i recommend 1-2 standard drinks per day per session and ensure you have some free alcohol days. Example would be drink Friday and Saturday (still 2 standard drinks) and have the rest of the week off.
Your brain, liver, skin, heart, family and friends will thank you.