At the first sign of the slightest sniffle or cough, out came the herbal immune mix, which was administered in multiple ways, straight, mixed with honey, made into a syrup, made into a tea.
Doubled the daily supplements.
Topically, I would use essential oils made into ointments which my poor kids had rubbed into their singlets. When they were little, I would put some on their heels and put a cotton sock over them before putting them to bed, with Lavender teddy heat bags. Warm baths with Lavender, Eucalyptus etc mixed with some baking salts, honey and milk. At our fishing shack (never caught a fish) up in the central Highlands, the wood fire heater/stove, always had a kettle full of Eucalyptus leaves.
Slow cooked casseroles, warming soups and broths full of veggies, meat/chicken with plenty of garlic, ginger, all sort of herbs from the garden and lemons, lemons, lemons along with honey, honey, honey.
Get ready for Winter.
Loving Autumn, but winter is around the corner. Love & hugs.