Lets take a moment to please go through the following attachments and reflect on the quality of our relationships with our partners and children. This is why....... Approximately 13 years ago, a beautiful, highly educated, accomplished, vibrant young lady walked into my private clinic. She was in love with an educated and accomplished young man. She distinctly remembers me working through the cycle of violence with her; and not fully understanding what I was trying to say and why. I, on the other hand, distinctly remember being extremely concerned for this young lady at that time. |
On reflecting, family violence does not discriminate. Our homes are supposed to be our safe-haven; for some of us they become a hell hole. 13 years ago, this young lady could not comprehend the cycle of violence, power & control because she could not recognise it, had not experienced it. Today, she relates to it like a second skin and now she no longer can fathom a equal, safe, respectful relationship.
This is the insidious nature of family violence, it shrinks our world to the perpetrator.
We as a community have to rise up, to shed light on this issue. Often people who are in it, dont recognise the signs, as they think this is the norm. It is not. There are numerous services that you can turn to for help, not only for you but also your family.
Love & hugs.